Brand Building Business Tools – Must-Discover Resources to Boost User Engagement Rates

Has your website traffic hit a plateau? Are you seeing your Google Analytics numbers flat line? If your business is just plodding along but isn’t growing at a steady rate, it might be time to take a long, hard look at your engagement rates. Diving into your audience data can give you clear insights as to where potential customers are feeling less than enchanted with your business’ offerings. From time-on-site to exit pages and bounce rates, understanding where and why customers are leaving your site is crucial if you want your engagement rates to start climbing. If you’ve made up your mind to focus your efforts on improved customer engagement, there are a number of tools you can incorporate into your business plan to boost growth.

Check out the following roundup of resources to see which ones can help improve the long-term outlook for your company:

My Effecto

The MyEffecto plugin lets you boost your on-site engagement rates by allowing your audience to interact with your site via feedback emojis. They can leave feedback using fun emojis like ‘awesome’, ‘cool’, or ‘not bad’ or you can use custom emojis you upload via the MyEffecto plugin. These interactive emojis are much more inviting than a simple ‘like’ button and can even be shared on social media sites whenever your audience shares your posts on their favorite social networks.


Gleam is a powerful tool for business owners who want to improve their engagement rate numbers. With a wide variety of templates to choose from, you can do everything from integrate contests into your site to boost your email subscriber list. Gleam offers email capture tools, custom message notification templates, and reward interfaces to engage visitors to your site. Gleam integrates with numerous popular platforms including Constant Contact, AWeber, and Campaign Monitor.


Infusionsoft allows you to attract users through blog posts, ebooks and other content, convert traffic into leads, and engage customers through personalized and relevant inbound experiences. Infusionsoft is an effective marketing and sales software tool that offers companies of all sizes a comprehensive platform to engage users through integrated marketing solutions.

Social Share Icons

Getting social referrals is all about sharing content regardless of its format to increase web visibility. Adding social sharing icons directly to content on your website such as articles, presentations, pictures, videos, ebooks and blog empowers your users to share exactly what they want, resulting in higher user engagement.

User Engagement Calculator

If your business offers a mobile app for consumers, you’ll definitely want to check out User Engagement Calculator. This awesome business tool lets you figure out how much each of your users is worth to your business. Add monthly revenue figures and user counts, input data on retention rates and referral statistics, and instantly receive feedback on how much your average user is worth. This information can help you decide on marketing strategies as well as inform your SEO and ASO decisions.


Seevolution offers click and mouse heatmaps with real time analytics. The advantage of testing your website in heatmap-mode will let you see exactly what is being clicked on, and more importantly what isn’t, so you can make informed decisions to optimize your website and maximize conversion.

Engagement is the currency that drives your website. Optimizing your website and utilizing social engagement tools will help you be more effective with increasing your engagement numbers. Will you be incorporating any of these resources into your business building strategy?